Welcome To Pulse Arts

Pulse Arts is committed to empowering youth by providing creative opportunities to address social issues and ignite community change through the arts.
Pulse Arts Graphic, yellow palette: green, orange, and color.


Your support empowers youth and communities, addressing social issues and amplifying unique voices. Your donation paints a brighter future, ensuring equal access to creativity for every child, regardless of their background. Join us in weaving dreams into reality.

Pulse Arts is a 501(c)3 Tax Exempt Public Charity Organization and contributions are tax-deductible for income, gift, and estate taxes. Our EIN is 83-1467603. To learn more about Pulse Arts’ mission, programs, and successes, visit PulseArts.org.

Pulse Arts Logo, black lettering with a heart EKG lines in the heart

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Pulse Arts Logo, black lettering with a heart EKG lines in the heart

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